miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009

Llugarpalplacer 119#15.01.2009#

Antony & The Johnsons: “Daylight and the sun” y “Aeon” de “The Crying Lights” (2009 Rough Trade – Pop Stocks)
Mount Eeerie: “Appetite” y “In Monlight” de “Black wooden ceiling open EP” (2008 Southern Records)
Current 93: “I looked to the southside of the door” y “She took us to the places where the sun sets” de “Birth canal blues EP” (2008 Durtro)
Absentee: “Bitchstealer” de “Victory shorts” (2008 Memphis Industries – Nuevos Medios)
The Uglysuit: “Happy yellow rainbow” de “The Uglysuit” (2008 Quarterstick – Pias Spain)
Damon and Naomi: “While my guitar gently weeps” de “The earth is blue” (2005 20/20/20)

Redifusión Domingu 18.01.2009 a les 13:00 hores

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