miércoles, 4 de marzo de 2009

Llugarpalplacer 126#05.03.2009#

All the saints: “Farmacia” y “Outs” del discu “Fire on the Corridor X” (2008 Killer Pimp -Touch and Go – PIAS Spain)
Titus Andronicus: “Fear and Loathing in Mahwah, NJ” del discu “The airing of grievances” (2008 Troubleman – XL – Pop Stocks)
Mist: “Red car” y “Healthy man” del discu “Period” (2009 Astro)
Mike Bones: “One moments peace” del discu “A fool for everyone” (2009 Social Registry)
John Frusciante: “Song to the siren” y “Unreachable” del discu “The Empyrean” (2009 Records Collection)
Funkadelic: “Maggot Brain” del discu “ Maggot Brain” (1971 Westbound)

Redifusión Domingu 08.03.2009 a les 13:00 hores

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