sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Llugarpalplacer 155 #27.09.2009#

Micah P. Hinson: “You didn't have to be so nice”, “Suzanne” y “While my guitar gently weeps” del discu “All dressed up and smelling of strangers Vol. 1 & 2” (2009 Full Time Hobby /Houston Party)
Fran Gayo: “Queridísimos amigos” y “Te irás al campo” del discu “Las próximas cosechas” (2009 Acuarela)
Suma: “In the middle of somewhere” del discu “In the middle of somewhere” (2009 Fohen)
Num 9: “La venganza” y “El vampiro alemán” del disco “El baile” (2009 Acuarela)
Spectrum: “Walking & Falling” y “Over & Over” del discu “War sucks EP” (2009 Mind Expansion)

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