Anne Harbour: “El chico de Cincinnati”, “Canción de Clarissa” y “9000” del Discu “ La habitación de música” (2010 Siesta)
Xiu Xiu : “Gray Death”, “Chocolate makes you happy” y “Cumberland gap” del discu “Dear God, I hate myself” (2010 Kill Rock Stars)
Former Ghosts: “Us and now” y “Flowers” del discu “Fleurs” (2009 Upset the Rhythm)
MV & EE: “Susquehana (sole art temple)” del discu “Getting gone” (2008 Ecstatic Peace)
Head of Wantastiquet : “Mortange” del discu “Mortange” (2008 Ecstatic Peace)
The Steepwater Band : “World Keeps moving on” del discu “Grace And Melody” (2009 Diamond Day Records)
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