Bear in heaven: “Beast in peace” y “Dust cloud” del discu “Beast rest for mouth”
(2009/2010 Hometapes / Houston Party)
The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir: “I pretend she's you” y “Praying is a heartache” del discu “ And the horse you rode in on” (2010 Bloodshot / Houston Party)
Graham Parker: “Weather report” del discu ““Imaginary Television” (2010 Bloodshot / Houston Party )
Exene Cervenka: “The willow tree” del discu “Somewhere gone” (2010 Bloodshot / Houston Party
Standstill: “El resplandor” y “Hay que parar” del discu “Adelante Bonaparte” (2010 Buena Suerte)
Nacho Umbert y La Compañía: “Colorete y quitasueño” del discu “Ay…” (2010 Acuarela)
Maria Rodés: “Desorden” del discu “ Una forma de hablar” (2010 BCore)
Carontte: “From red horizons” del discu “As grey as they said” (Carontte)
(2009/2010 Hometapes / Houston Party)
The Scotland Yard Gospel Choir: “I pretend she's you” y “Praying is a heartache” del discu “ And the horse you rode in on” (2010 Bloodshot / Houston Party)
Graham Parker: “Weather report” del discu ““Imaginary Television” (2010 Bloodshot / Houston Party )
Exene Cervenka: “The willow tree” del discu “Somewhere gone” (2010 Bloodshot / Houston Party
Standstill: “El resplandor” y “Hay que parar” del discu “Adelante Bonaparte” (2010 Buena Suerte)
Nacho Umbert y La Compañía: “Colorete y quitasueño” del discu “Ay…” (2010 Acuarela)
Maria Rodés: “Desorden” del discu “ Una forma de hablar” (2010 BCore)
Carontte: “From red horizons” del discu “As grey as they said” (Carontte)
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