domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

Llugarpalplacer 185 (25.04.2010)

A place to bury strangers: “Lost feeling”, “I lived my life to stand in the shadows of your heart” y “Smile when you smile” del discu “Exploding head” (2009 Mute – Pias Spain)
McEnroe: “Los valientes” y “La noche de San Juan” del discu “Tu nunca morirás” (2009 Subterfuge)
The Rural Alberta Advantage: “Drain the blood” y “Frank AB” del discu “Hometowns” (2009 Saddle Creek)
Ramona Falls: “Clover” y “I say fever” del discu “Intuit” (2009 Souterranean Transmissions – Pias Spain)
Las Nurses: “I am yellin” del discu “Rémora 7” ” (2007 Discos Humeantes)
Intelligence: “Fake surfers” del discu “Fake Surfers” (2009 In the red)

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