martes, 13 de julio de 2010

Llugarpalplacer 195 (04.07.2010)

ANBB: “Ret marut handshake” “One” y “Electricity is fiction” del discu “Ret marut handshake 12” EP” (2010 Raster Noton)
Micah P. Hinson: “The striking before the storm” y “Seven horses seen” del discu “& The Pioneer Saboteur “ (2010 Full Time Hobby – Houston Party)
Frog Eyes: “Odetta's War” y “Lear in love” del discu “Paul’s Tomb a triumph” (2010 Dead Oceans)
The New Pornographers: “Crash years” del discu “Togheter” (2010 Matador – Pop Stocks)
Wolf Parade: “What did my lover say? (It always had to go this way)” del discu “Expo 86” (2010 Sub Pop – Pop Stocks)
Joaquín Pascual: “El movimiento de la tierra” del discu “El ritmo de los acontecimientos” (2010 El genio equivocado)

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