sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

Llugarpalplacer 248 (16.07.2011)

The pains of being pure at heart: Heaven’s gong happen now y Even in dreams del discu Belong (Slumberland - PIAS)
Damon and Naomi: Shadow boxing del discu False beats and true hearts (2011 20/20/20)
Dodos: Black night y Don’t try and hide it del discu No color (2011 Wichita - Pop Stocks)
Vetiver: It’s beyond me del discu The Errant Charm (2011 Sub Pop - Music as Usual)
The Mountain Goats: Estate sale sing y Dawn these vampires del discu All eternal deck (2011 Merge)
The Decemberist: Don’t carry it all del discu The king is dead (2011 Capitol - Pop Stocks)
Joan Colomo: Fé en el acné del discu Producto interior bruto Vol.1 (2011 BCore)
Death cab for cutie: Codes and keys del discu Codes and keys (2011 Atlantic)

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