miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011

Llugarpalplacer 252 (13.08.2011)

Mogwai: 2 rights make 1 wrong del discu Special Moves (2010 Rock Action)
Efrim Manuel Menuck: Our lady of parc extension and her munificent sorrows y I am no longer a motherless child del discu Plays “High Gospel” (2011 Constellation)
Esmerine: A dog river y Little streams make big rivers del discu La Lechuza (2011 Constellation)
Neuman: The End y La Yo del discu Plastic Heaven (2010 Loopside Records)
The New Raemon: Soñar la muerte del discu Libre Asociación (2011 BCore) 

Mogwai: Rano Pano del discu Hardcore will never die, but you will (2011 Sub Pop /Rock Action)

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