lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Llugarpalplacer 261 (15.10.2011)

EMA: The Grey Ship y Milkman del discu Past life martyed saints (2011 Souterranean Transmissions - PIAS Spain)
Laetitia Velma: Les eaux profondes del discu Les eaux profondes (2011 Les disques d’Avril - Green Ufos)
Jim White: Speeding Motorcycle y Suckerz Promises del discu Sounds of the Americans (2011 Loose Records)
Chad Vangaalen: Peace on the Rise y Burning Photographs del discu Diaper Island (2011 Sub Pop - Pop Stocks)
Eh!: Baila Conmigo ya Una impresión momentánea del discu La fase del sueño intratable (2011 BCore)
Ethan Gold: Why don’t you sleep y They turned away del discu Songs from a toxic apartment (2011 Gold Records)

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