viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Llugarpalplacer 263 (29.10.2011)

Richmond Fontaine: The chainsaw sea, Aungus King tries to leave the house y Lost in the trees del discu The High Country (2011 Arena Rock / El Cortez / Pop Stocks)
Okkervil River: White shadow waltz y The Valley del discu I am very far (2011 Jagjaguuwar / Pop Stocks)
dEUS: Dark sets in y Keep you close del discu Keep you close (2011 Universal)
Moon Duo: Scars del discu Mazes (2011 Sacred Bones) 

Luger: Dracula’s chauffeur wants more del discu Concrete Light (2011 Giradiscos)
Corizonas: Wish you were here del discu Dos bandas y un destino EP (2010 Subterfuge)

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