domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

Llugarpalplacer 191 (06.06.2010)

Damien Jurado: “Kansas City”, “Cloudy shoes” y “Rachel & Cali” del discu Saint Bartlett (2010 Secretly Canadian – Houston Party)
The Avett Brothers: “Ten thousand words” y “I and love and you” del discu “I and love and you” (2009 American Recordings)
Liars: “Scissor” y “Scarecrows on a killer slant” del discu “Sisterworld” (2010 Mute – Pias Spain) Errors: “Beards” del discu “Come down with me” (2010 Rock Action)
Fuck Buttons: “Mogwai fear Satan” del discu “Mogwai/Fuck Buttons Split EP” (2010 Rock Action)
Suit Tiger:“Caso Raro” del discu “El Yú EP” (2010 Suit Tiger)

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