Bonnie" Prince" Billy & The Cairo Gang: “Troublesome houses” y “Merciless and Great” del discu The Wonder Show of the world” (2010 Drag City/ Domino/ PIAS Spain)
Bonny Billy & The Picket Line : “The Glory Goes/Wolf among wolves” y “Hemlocks and Primroses” del discu “Funtown Comedown” (2009 Sea Note / Drag City)
Brian Harnetty & Bonnie "Prince" Billy: “Sleeping in the driveway” y “The Nights, and lights are” del discu “Silent City” (2009 Atavistic / Rumiance)
Damien Jurado: “Throwing your voice” y “Wallingford” del discu “Saint Bartlett”
(2010 Secretly Canadian / Houston Party)
The Avett Brothers: “January wedding” del discu “I and love and you” (2009 American Recordings)
Errors: “Bridge or Cloud” del discu “ Come down with me” (2010 Rock Action)
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